Feeding the hungry

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
Matthew 25:35
The key to the Christian faith is the teachings of Jesus Christ. Throughout his ministry Jesus displayed a practical wisdom which has left a mark for thousands of years.
God wants you to know that He is the One True God. Jesus served the physical and spiritual needs of people; GFIM is committed to doing the same. Every day there are thousands of people in India who go to sleep hungry. Christ Fellowship is committed to making a difference in the lives of these people.
Through GFIM centres, we’ve been fighting hunger in the country. We also collect and distribute clothing, household items or food staples according to the needs of the community. We don’t feed them with food alone; we feed them with love and kindness.
We believe that if everyone can work together, we could create a world where no person goes to bed hungry. We look out for partnerships to quicken the triumph of our programs, and get food and resources to those who need them the most.
Visiting the Sick
For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord, because they have called you an outcast: ‘It is Zion, for whom no one cares!
Jeremiah 30:17
Throughout His public ministry, Jesus' Kindness and affection for the sick shine through. We are aware how Jesus healed the sick and restored them to friendship with His Father. GFIM India continues Jesus' ministry of caring for the sick with deep compassion and respect.
Moreover, as believers and people with humanity, we must recognise the needs and prayers required by people who are sick and vulnerable. We are called to bear witness to the value of human life.
God has been answering prayers for a long time. Prayers for healing can prove incredible power of prayer, and spread the word and power of the Lord our saviour. We therefore pray that the lord bless all the sick with His loving care, renew strength, and heal what troubles them. GFIM India visits & comforts them on their sickbed, and helps ease their suffering through prayers.
No healing is too hard for the Lord, if it be His will.

Donating a Wheel Chair

Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord thy God which he hath given thee.
Deuteronomy 16:17 17
The GFIM India is trying to make an effort to reach out to the needs of people with physical incapacities, to promote the joy of sharing and giving, and to deliver a wheelchair to every person in the world who needs one, but cannot afford to buy one. For these people, The GFIM India brings expectations, flexibility in movement and self- dependence.
Got to get the word out! Please join hands with GFIM India’s most determined mission of its kind in the history of mankind ever!
Donating Hospital Equipment’s
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them. If you can help your neighbour now, don’t say, “Come back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you.
Proverbs 3:27-28
Now, not tomorrow, is the time to help – We at GFIM India believe that our future is brightest when we can provide proper health care and suitable materials for hospitals treating the less fortunate. Hospital beds and stretchers are always in demand in our country, and we understand the necessity of this demand. We reach out to clinics & hospitals with requirement of stretchers offering them a helping hand.
The Fellowship has a close association with health organisations, serving large populations aiming to provide the best support for the patients who need it most through these health care centres. Today our members along with our well-wishers touch almost every aspect in providing help to the health care centres. When we act in reply to a human need, giving what we have without seeking rewards, God magnifies the effects of our hard work.
You do have the power! Come join hands with GFIM, God will keep working in us until his work is done.

Book Donation Campaign

He answereth and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise.
Luke 3:11
50% of children in India aged 6-18 years do not attend school. Donating books helps give the less fortunate access to a larger world through the wonders of reading. We believe that education is vital to breach the cycle of difficulty and that every person is entitled to a quality education regardless of their background!
Our dedicated volunteers, our enthusiastic members and our generous donors, works for a common vision of a superior educated society and a generation across the globe. Make a Difference in your Fellowship by supporting book donation campaign programs. Any kind of support rendered would make a huge difference. Donating Books are like donating a new life; we need to nurture it and help it grow. Be proud to support this vital movement in our community. Let’s inspire and empower disadvantaged students to realise their potential by embracing education. We give great emphasis on supporting students to gain greater self-confidence in their studies and motivating them to dream big.
Our goal is to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to help people, communities and hope.
Clothing Poor Children
20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.
Luke 6:20
25 million of orphaned children lie behind India’s booming success, and more over children are the most affected ones in disasters and conflicts, and we will do our best to help them. Since its foundation, the GFIM charity programme of dressing the needy Children has provided clothes to numerous school children in India. Thanks to all the supporters.
Right now, harsh weather is closing in on millions of children who are completely unprepared. These children are also at risk of deadly consequences like influenza, typhoid, pneumonia etc. GFIM work in the most challenging circumstances in the poorest regions of the country, for we believe in the power of change through Christ. Our community expansion programme empowers children and families to break the cycle of insufficiency and reach their God-given potential.
With our possible limits we help in assisting every child in need of any belief, or none. We partner with churches, individuals throughout the country, equipping them to meet the needs.
Children are the heart of the community. Let’s reach out to help them!!!

School bags to needy children

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Mathew 19:14
Give the life-changing gift of education for children. Over the past several years since we have been operating our programme of a “bag full of love”, the number of children who require help has increased rapidly.
As every person agrees that education should be the primary component in any effort to break the cycle of poverty, it is truly the final and least expensive step on the long and costly road involved in providing public education to our children. Without your help and support, these children will find it difficult to go to school year after year with no book-bags, no school supplies.
Motivated by our faith in Jesus Christ, GFIM stands for the upliftment of the poor and troubled as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all His folks. You'll get to know, love, and encourage a child while helping fund resources and improvements that benefit them and their community.
No matter how long you have been a Christian, there is tremendous hope for you, because God has invested in you, and he will not abandon the work he has begun.
Sponsoring a School
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them. If you can help your neighbour now, don’t say, “Come back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you.
Proverbs 3:27-28
According to UNESCO there are 740 million illiterate people in this world and 250 million children of primary school age who lack basic reading and writing skills. The resources available to many schools are extremely limited, lessening the efficiency of the education that can be provided to the children who attend.
The Sponsor-a-School programme of GFIM is a prestigious project. When you sponsor a school, you don't just help the children in your sponsored school, but the school's community members and all of the schools in the district. We know from our experience that working with community members and officials is important for enabling your school to succeed.
School sponsorship is a really effective way of serving hundreds of kids in poor societies to get a decent start in life. Lend your hands in improving the education and care for these children.
Help us in creating a Literate World!!