Prayer Cells

In the Gospels we are repeatedly reminded time to time about the importance of prayer. Prayer is vital communication with our heavenly Father.
The reason why we refer to the prayer groups as cells comes from our belief that an energetic church is made up of active groups that are growing and multiplying. We see the origins of the church beginning with Jesus spending the majority of time to a small intimate fellowship of twelve disciples.
It was within this ‘cell’ group that Jesus built relationships, taught and trained, imparted authority and power, and eventually assigned these twelve to begin the Church.Each of our cell groups spends time each time that it meets in prayer; praising God, listening to His voice and praying for one another.
Christians in every walks of the society come together to pray outside of their churches in homes, schools, campuses, offices, factories, etc for the purpose of witnessing the Gods Kingdom and changing every area of the society. The focus of the Prayer Cells is to manifest the Kingdom of God in the world through concerted and intentional prayers.
Youth Empowerment
Youth ministry is vital to our homes, our churches and our world! GFIM has a vibrant Fellowhip of creative young people. It is an awesome place for the youths to come together, have fun, and learn the Word of God. Experience music, games, teaching, and interaction experiencing God in a real way. The organization's ultimate goal is to motivate youth to become productive members of their communities.
We are here to help you grow the youth spiritually and to empower them to be leaders of today and tomorrow. The youth has great strength, vigour, good health etc. These features should be directed towards the propagation of the gospel. We believe, with a world-wide focus on youth empowerment we can bring positive life changing experiences to young people globally. Strategic leadership and coordination is vital for our success in reaching and mobilising more young people.
The developing vision for empowerment of the youth in act comes from our study within the Fellowhip and from years of empowerment practice at Grace Fellowship World Wide. We see that the Grace Fellowship has an exclusive and sensational role in youth empowerment.

Care Cells

It is on the three very clear objectives that our Care-Cells are focus centred.
- They are to encourage people in their Fellowhip to be close with the Lord God.
- They are the principal pastoral caregivers of the church, with a focus on healing, reconciling, guiding and sustaining
- It is in these Care Cells that potential leaders are discovered. Their divine gifts are developed in the cells anreleased into a larger compass of the ministry.
GFIM is not inward looking, but is focused external to believers, pre-believers, churched and unchurand all in the world. There is also mutual caring, sharing and growing that are experienced in every cell. The members dof other members and help each other see things that we might not see.Together we work towards the kingdom of God usingthe Holy Spirit.
Every disciple in the Fellowhip is a spiritual leader. A spiritual leader is one who has been taught how to share their belief with others and then to train the others to be a replicating image and disciple of Jesus Christ.
Women Empowerment through Christ
That because of what Christ has done, there are no longer any differences among us. "There is neither Jew nor Greek" (no ethnic or national difference); "neither slave nor free" (no economic difference); "neither male nor female" (no gender difference), "for [we] are all one in Christ Jesus." This refers to the equality we have in God.
Galatians 3:28
The determination of Women Empowerment is to touch the lives of women by the transforming power of Jesus Christ, train them to follow His example, and to minister to others thus creating and changing them to Women of Faith. To make a difference in the world, we support you with all the necessary encouragement, and inspiration.
As women in Christ, you have the power, faith and wisdom of Christ. Now it is the time for women to rise up and to be all that God has called them to be, and to teach other women to do the same. Grace Fellowship has women who are church planters, lay leaders, evangelists & disciple makers. They come from every walk of life & society.
Rise up women, answer God's appeal on your life and stay to be the person God has termed & fortified you to be!

Why Should I Attend?

To be a disciple of Christ is not just what you do by your own, it is what you do together with other people. You all are what the Bible calls the "family of God “a family which is inter-dependent with nature establishing His church in order for His people to nurture”.
Galatians 3:28
He is going to attach special blessings to His church. One of the biggest blessings is that you begin to see positive things from God's outlook.
GFIM provides delightful possibilities for Christians to serve others. There is no end to the ways God works through his people to be a blessing for others. Bring plenty of joy to your Lord God, by becoming an active Christian disciple in Grace Fellowship, just the way Jesus set it up.